FAO visiting group came to Goke

2019-01-02 09:02:00

Visiting group from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) came to Goke to visit and discuss with Ms. Li Wei, the Board Chairman of Goke, on Nov.23, 2018. The visiting group members were Mr. Carlo Bravi, Senior Economy Specialist of FAO investing center, Mr. Xiong Zhe, FAO technical officer, Mr. Tan Liwei, Associate Director of the Planning Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), accompanied by Mr. Yu Baoguo, the Board Chairman of Viga UAV.

The group first visited the Goke Manufacturing Base in Shunyi Dist. Beijing. Ms. Li Wei introduced the newly developed intelligent IoT agriculture equipment in the base. Goke went through 16 years of development and constructed a mature solution system for agriculture machinery, intelligent equipment, big data platform to invigorate smart agriculture.

The group returned to the Goke office later and Ms. Li Wei demonstrated the real-time data flow and statitstics from farm all over China. She then introduced the Goke cloud platform from the aspects of intelligent sensing, robotics, operation data monitoring platform, regional big data platfroms.

Mr. Carlo Bravi was amazed by the application of Goke smart equipment on agriculture and appreciated the leading role that Goke had played. He noted that the future cooperation between FAO and Goke should be further strengthened.

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